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Dust bunnies for company

This post is inspired by Jag blommar, that by the way did a lovely feature on me today! Thanks!
She did a post about working from home. To see all the dust and mess… Today I work from home too, doing some image processing in Photoshop. And yes, I surely see a lot of dust bunnies (dammråttor) here too… But I try to ignore them, at least for now ;-)
Here is a picture from my daughters room, and NO, it isn’t this tidy all the time! I found the poem when I search the word dust on Google…

Dust if you must

Dust if you must, but wouldn't it be better
to paint a picture, or write a letter,
bake a cake, or plant a seed.
Ponder the difference between want and need.
Dust if you must, but there is not much time,
with rivers to swim and mountains to climb!
Music to hear, and books to read,
friends to cherish and life to lead.
Dust if you must, but the world's out there
with the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair,
a flutter of snow, a shower of rain,
this day will not come round again.
Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
old age will come and it's not kind.
And when you go, and go you must,
you, yourself, will make more dust!
~ Unknown ~

[© MayaLee Photography]

Very Vintage

I have some new prints in my shop. The vintage doll’s pram (Vintage Wheels) and the vintage baby shoes (Vintage Walk). The baby shoes is also available in the size of 5x7 inches (13x18cm). Hope you like them!

[© MayaLee Photography]

My craft corner

I really miss my craft corner. It is still there, but I have no time to craft… But now when the autumn is coming both time and inspiration maybe will come? I hope so, because my fingers are itching to create something!

[© MayaLee Photography]

Sneak peek

Today I have been photographing the most beautiful and lovely home. I will just show you some sneak peeks…

MayaLee Photography]

Out walking...

with mum and dad. Yesterday I had a photo session with this cool family. The weather was sunny but you could feel the autumn in the air. We had a lovely day with lots of play and laughter!

MayaLee Photography]

Earlier this week I was featured on Decor8! Decor8 is an established site known as a reliable design resource on the web and has a worldwide audience reaching over 25,000 visitors per day! Go check it out!

An old chair and pretty flowers

I found this old chair at an antique shop. The vase is from a flea market, I love that turquoise colour! And the pink Hydrangea is just stunning! Couldn’t decide which photo to pick so both of them are now available at my Etsy shop! Have a nice day :)

MayaLee Photography]

Holding hands

"My baby cries - and the world is wrong
My baby laughs - and the world is full of song"
- unknown

Photo from a client session

MayaLee Photography]

An apple a day…

Today my daughter Maya and I have been in the garden picking apples. Then she prepared the most delicious food for us in her little kitchen.

MayaLee Photography]

Flickr Friday Favs [Girls with cameras]

1. Pro., 2. like a bubble..., 3. Happy Birthday to Me :D , 4. _TWOIT_delta, 5. 70/365/year2 me and my very heavy friend., 6. Self Portrait, 7. kogu+Rollei MiniDigi, 8. brownie, 9. tiny tourist , 10. 37{52 Weeks}, 11. Untitled, 12. hi

My niece

This is my beautiful niece. I’ve been asking (nagging) her to let me take some photos of her. This pictures was taken in July. The sun was coming down and the light was magic…

MayaLee Photography]

And the winner is…

I got help to pick the winner by a princess!

Congratulations Maria! Your name was picked, head over to my shop and choose which print you want! Mail me at mayalee[at]telia.com when you have made up your mind.

My daughter really liked to be a helping hand in this giveaway and she suggested that we would have another giveaway right away! So for you who didn’t win, I’m sure that in a near future it is going to be a new giveaway! Thank you for participating in the giveaway and for visiting my blog. ♥

[Photos: MayaLee Photography]

Happy Weekend!

This week has been a bit crazy, lots of things to do and new stuff to learn! It also has been one of the most exciting and fun week for me. Starting my own business and all... This weekend I will try to take it easy and spending time with my family. And of course draw a winner in my Giveaway! I announce the winner on Sunday the 6th so you have this day and tomorrow to leave a comment on this post. So come on, don’t be shy! I sooooo love giveaways :-)

[Photos: MayaLee Photography]

*B*L*I*N*G* Camera

Yesterday was a success! We had a Open House and the store was filled with people drinking champagne and having a good time. We got lots of flowers and presents! Thanks to everyone who visited us!
I got this super cool necklace from Lena and her family. Thank you so much!

Don’t forget the Giveaway!

[Photo: MayaLee Photography]

Hi, my name is…

Lotta and that’s me hiding behind the camera… I’m starting my own business as a photographer today. It’s a bit scary but very exciting! I’m also starting a cooperation with my good friend Lena who has the most cute and cool store for children, Nära & Kära (it means loved ones in English). A couple of days a week I will be working in the store and I also have little photography studio there.
To celebrate this occasion I will have a Giveaway! Comment on this post, you have until Saturday the 5th of September. You will have a chance to win something from my Etsy shop. You can choose whichever photo you want! So come on, don’t be shy, leave a comment! I sooooo love giveaways :-)

If you are nearby Eskilstuna, Sweden don’t hesitate to drop by the store at Köpmangatan 13. Today the 1st of September we have Open House all day and between 5pm - 7pm you can have some champagne and a small snack.

[Photos: MayaLee Photography]
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