Hej och välkomna till MayaLee Photography!

Sunday Walk

On Sunday morning we went for a walk in the autumn sun, looking at leaves and horses.

[© MayaLee Photography]

5 kommentarer:

Moa sa...

Vilka vackra bilder! Jag gillar verkligen den där allén... jag önskar att jag hade en fin allé som bakgrund för mina foton :)

My Owl Barn sa...

Those photos are gorgeous. I love the backgrounds in each of the photo.

leaca sa...

these are gorgeous. Fall walks are my fave. My dad and I talk once a week and I make him crazy talking about the smell and feel of fall...my husband just smiles and nods. I can't get enough.

Emma sa...

Oooo I was just going out to take some photos of my horse in the afternoon sun and you've totally inspired me. Very pretty.

Emma sa...

I DID take photos of my horse Archie in the afternoon sun - they are over on my blog now :)

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