Hej och välkomna till MayaLee Photography!

A trampoline and some flowers…

I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time for photography. But here are some pics from the weekend. Maya turned 4 and got a trampoline and we had a birthday party for her. Look so happy she is! She had wished for a trampoline for ages…

Our apple tree are blooming

The flowers in the greenhouse is waiting to come out in the garden

Cowslip (Gullviva)

[Photos: MayaLee]

2 kommentarer:

Lena sa...

Missade visst erat växthus sist. Vad fint det ser ut o vad roligt Maya verkar ha på sin studsmatta.

Skönt Hemma sa...

Åh vilka härliga bilder! De där studsmattorna är superroliga för kidsen, har en själv :)

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