Hej och välkomna till MayaLee Photography!

The bridesmaid

Yesterday I was taking photos at the midsummer wedding. I think I got some good shoots, I took about 650 pictures!!! So at least some of them must me good!! I must confess that I was a bit nervous, but when I start shooting I was so focused to get good photos that I forgot about everything else.

This cute little girl was a bridesmaid at the wedding. Look at her hair!! It is amazing! And it’s all natural! No curling iron or hair-dye has even been close to that hair!

I hope to show you some pictures at the wedding couple when I get their approval on which pictures I can show you. So stay tuned!

Click the picture to view it larger
[Photo: MayaLee]

1 kommentar:

Maria sa...

Vilken tur att det finns digitalkameror. SÅ att man kan fota hur mycket som helst. När vi gifte oss för 10 år sedan var det film som gällde. En vän till mig fotade oss. det blev många rullar...

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