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Mums doll’s pram

When my mother was a little girl she dreamt about having a doll’s pram. But this was different times, they didn’t have a lot of money and a toy like this was just to dream about. A couple of months ago she saw this pram at a flea market, it is from the early 50‘s. What a joy! Without hesitation she bought it! It is never to late to have what you want or longing for!

[Photos: Mayalee]

5 kommentarer:

Moa sa...

Vilken UNDERBAR vagn! Så himla vacker...

Skönt Hemma sa...

Åhh så ljuvlig!
Har ditt favoritinlägg i bloggen nu ;)

Julia sa...

Åh! precis en sådan vagn köpte jag på auktion för 400 kr när jag var gravid med min Maja. Fast min var gråblå. Sedan har alla mina tre flickor haft den. Åh, vad det var härligt att glida runt med den på stan.
Så fin!

Anonym sa...

Very very cute

finding_ac sa...

wow! that is amazing- i want one!!

♥ ac

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